Dennis jr. or “Dj” is a very personable young man. He is a team player and will do what he has to to help his team. He has been very strong and brave throughout his treatments. Some days are harder than others but he continually does everything necessary to get through his diagnosis.
At age 10, this year, he was diagnosed with Ewing’s sarcoma – a rare type of cancer that occurs in bones or in the soft tissue around the bones. His dad says, “After months of treatments it seems as though some people kinda forget about you. We still have a long way to go. Foundations like NEGU are a blessing. Especially when we sometime feel like we’re at the end of our rope.”
Dj is extremely selfless just like Jessie! He was granted a wish from a granted wishes foundation and the day his dad told him about it he told responded that there are kids worse off than him and that maybe they should have it. Later that day he told me that kids worse than him probably get a wish so he would think about it. He still hasn’t decided on a wish. He said maybe someday he would think of something.
Dj and his family say that “Just the thought of knowing that there are groups like this help us get through this horrible time” are such encouragement for them. When he got his first JoyJar in the mail, Dj’s response was “People really want to do this kinda stuff for me and other kids?!”
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