18-year-old Kylee has all leukemia, she was diagnosed July 26, 20016. Kylee went through 2.5 years of treatment followed by 364 days off treatment before relapsing on November 14th 2015. Her treatment ended November 15, 2017 and relapsed again 2 months off treatment on January 24, 2015.
Her dad says, “Kylee breaded through treatment the first time. The seconds time was very rough with alot of illnesses, infections, surgerys,and delays. This relapse has been different and the option she has is called cart and we are very new to this method.”
Kylee loves cooking, coloring, writing, watching movies and swimming. She had made some friends out of the nurses and especially the younger patients she would paint, play games, and some times just sit and hang out with the patients no matter their age. But the downside to making friends with other patients because some die and don’t make it through it. She had some friends that she loved like family that had sadly passed away.
To Kylee, Never Ever Give Up means “to not walk away from the battle, but to face it head on. When she hears the words give up it sounds like you never tried.” When she got her first Jessie’s JoyJar, her dad says, “She was surprised and confused. She came to me trying to figure out who it was from and she immediately put the socks on. It gave Kylee a little bit of cheer.”
We NEGU for you KYLEE!!!
NEGU for Kylee
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