Cheyenne is NEGU Strong!


Cheyenne is one of five kids, with three younger siblings and one older sibling who love her so so much! Her mom, Gina, says cancer has taken a toll on Cheyenne emotionally and physically. Cheyenne even had to spend her 15th birthday in the hospital. Cheyenne is a very outgoing girl and has been very courageous and brave through her journey with cancer.

Cheyenne has been through a lot in her 15 years. Gina says, “At the age of 2, Cheyenne was diagnosed with epilepsy and then a couple years later diagnosed with ADHD; then to find out when she’s 14 that she had cancer, as her mom it crushed me. She has been so brave and courageous through this entire thing.” She says, “With her being diagnosed with cancer, her dad and I had to make some choices. Some of them were easy and some were hard.”

At one point during her treatment, Cheyenne was placed in the ICU and the doctors told her mom that she would not live. Gina says, ” I knew deep down inside that she was going to make it.”

On October 7th, Cheyenne had the bone marrow transplant and is doing well as of now. Her mom says, “She still has a long road, but in the end I know she will kick cancer’s butt!”

CHEYENNE, you are strong and beautiful. We NEGU for you, sweet girl!

If you would like to help Cheyenne and her family’s journey, please visit her GoFundMe page.

Cheyenne recently got to attend her first JROTC ball and she looked so beautiful!

So thank you for your gift to help CARE until there is a cure!
