4-year-old Kailey is an amazing and strong little girl who loves to put a smile on everyones face! She is a trickster and likes to play jokes and tickle everybody. Her courage and strength is what helps get her and her family through her Stage 4 high risk neuroblastoma diagnosis.
Kailey is creative and loves to paint, draw and create. She loves to build things, play with her 7 yr old sister Claire and her doggies. She also likes to help her mom bake and watch WWE wrestling with her dad. Asuka is her favorite wrestler and she says she wants to meet her someday!
Kailey has completed 5 rounds of chemo so far, has had a tumor resection surgery, and is currently inpatient for round 6 of chemo and stem cell transplant is set for September 5th. Her most recent scans have showed great improvement, but there is still one spot of active tumor left that due to it’s location cannot be resected. To Kailey and her family, NEGU means – “Having the strength to get up and fight this monster day in and day out.”
When Kailey got her JoyJar in the mail, she “had the biggest smile on her face while opening the JoyJar and looking at all the fun items inside. She really enjoyed the most recent box that she was able to color the outside of!”
The Jessie Rees Foundation is thankful to be able to encourage Kailey and her family. Her mom says, they really enjoy the iNEGU app, “The inspirational videos and daily boost of prayer and support is a wonderful reminder that we are not alone in this journey and the jars put smiles on her face. Kailey really loves the Mr. Moe videos the best!”
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