TeamNEGU Blog


For all of Jessie’s fans and followers who love to knit, crochet, and loom… this is a fun and fuzzy way to help bring comfort to kids fighting cancer!

In honor of Jessie’s desire to learn to knit we are looking for of people who love to knit to help make Brave Beanies for children fighting cancer.  You can knit one or grab a group of friends and knit 100. Each one will provide lots of comfort to children fighting cancer.

Please send all beanies to our Joy Factory:

P.O. Box 80667, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA  92688-0667

When sending in your Brave Beanies, please try to separate them by age category if possible. 

Baby: 0 – 12 months

Head Circ: 16” – 19”

Toddler: 1 year – 4 years

Child: 3 – 12 years

Teens: 13 years old+

                                    If you have any other questions please visit: