
Three-year-old Genevieve has a great sense of humor, her laugh is contagious and she is almost always laughing. She was diagnosed with ALL (Hypodiploid) in July of 2017, yet she NEVER EVER GIVES UP! 

Genevieve loves dancing with her sister, taking walks with her golden retriever Coco and going to the playground. Her family loves the mission of NEGU. Her mom says, “As a family we will never give up, we will give our all to making sure Genevieve is OK and we will never give up to help raise awareness for childhood cancer. Kids should be kids, and no kid should have to deal with cancer.”
When Genevieve received her JoyJar in the mail, She LOVED it, especially the Branch Trolls doll. She brings it with her everywhere she goes! 
To Genevieve and her family, NEGU reminds them to stay strong, and to look for the positive in every situation.

NEGU for Genevieve on Facebook!

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