TeamNEGU Blog

More than 900,000 kids from around the world decided to take a stand and work together to raise awareness for childhood cancer

In January, Childhood Cancer International (CCI) launched Child4Child, a campaign that invites kids and teens to record themselves singing a song byFrozen score composer Christophe Beck called “We Are One.” This empowering song is a message about bravery and strength in the face of difficulties, like childhood cancer. 

The press release for the campaign says, “More than 900,000 children and teens have not only recorded themselves singing the chorus; they have created dances, lip-syncing videos, and even covers!”

In honor of International Childhood Cancer Awareness Day on Monday, CCI officially released the song on iTunesalong with this video showing some of the many kids who participated in the initiative in the U.S. and beyond! This song is beautiful, please enjoy! 

What a great message to Never Ever Give Up! We #NEGU, do you?!