TeamNEGU Blog

In March 2015, at just 6 years old, Gabriel Marshall was diagnosed with anaplastic astrocytoma, a rare — and malignant — brain tumor. Gabriel’s golf ball-sized tumor was successfully removed from his brain, and he has been out of treatment for nearly nine months.  Recent scans show he is now stable, but he has remained self-conscious about his scar.

Gabriel’s dad did what any father would do – anything to help his son. He got a tattoo of his son’s scar on his head too. 

As his father Josh explained to BuzzFeed, the idea came about when his son called himself a “monster”: “This broke my heart. I told him if people wanted to stare, they could stare at both of us.”

This Courageous Kid has renewed strength and support thanks to his father’s tattoo or, as Gabriel calls him, his “twin.”

We NEGU for you Gabriel!!! 

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