TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweat Pea…it’s daddy! Missing your smile so much today. I look at countless pics from your amazing 12 years of life and your smile is so bright & life giving. This is one of my favs!!! Young but life giving. Add in your blue eyes and you simply are beautiful. I wish I was telling you all of this in person so I could look into your eyes, tell you I love you, see your smile and end with one of your strong hugs. Darn…here comes the tears…dang it’s so hard not seeing you & talking with you.

The only thing that seems to soften the sting and help my stomach pain is your foundation. It is so “life giving” to me, mommy, Shaya, JT and many others. Ever time I see a child holding one of your JoyJars and smiling it just does me heart, soul and mind good.

I truly hope we can keep reaching & resourcing more kids fighting cancer on your behalf Jess. It’s so addicting in a very positive way. Because of YOU we will be sending out the 100,000th boost of joy this fall. I will never fully understand the impact you are making in peoples lives around the world. I truly believe you have impacted over 1,000,000 people in some small way. People may now know who Jessie Rees is but they sure know of your JoyJars and “NEGU” spirit. I know they know about you in Lima Peru where we just got a request for your JoyJars. That makes 28 countries.

I truly hope more people know your name and embrace your Never Ever Give Up spirit when your book releases in 2 weeks. My hope is people will spend $15.00, read an inspirational story and then decide to offer some acts of kindness to people they have a heart for. Just like you and children fighting cancer. I just know this world would be a better place to live if everyone asked themselves…How can I help them? And then help them. The world needs more hope, joy and love. Selfishly the world needs more Jessie Rees’.

I saw a few more kids joined you this week. Cancer sucks! Please help them get settled in their rooms and show them around. I will do my best to reach out to their parents and offer to talk with them. I can’t take their pain away and I can listen to them and pray for them. I’ve learned that sometimes “less is more”…meaning when someone just lose their child they don’t need many words…just a listening ear.

We are Going Gold for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in September. I just read that Time Square is joining us and Going Gold on Sept. 2nd. More awareness = more resources = more cures = less pain!

I love you so much Sweet Pea and I truly hope you have an amazing week with all of your new buddies and Kobi & Bruin. Please give them a big squeeze from me.

