NEGU Nurse Barbara, CHOC
This special NEGU Nurse nomination comes from courageous fighter Ayden, for his NEGU nurse, Barbara Telesmanic at Children’s Hospital Orange County! (shared by Ayden’s mommy)
“Barb was one of many great caretakers for Ayden, however she always went out of her way if she knew Ayden was coming into OPI ( Outpatient Procedure and Infusion) or for a procedure. She would tell him new jokes, have a small gift for him, show pictures of her amazing therapy pit bull dogs and just always be there to offer a smile and a hug.
For Ayden, getting close to the staff at the hospital was not something he wanted, but for some reason he was always attracted to Barb. He knew her laugh, knew her voice and would seek her out, actually leaving his chair during infusions to find her. Her actually even brought her one of his Star Wars Lego men to give to her one day while we were at OPI and she proudly displayed it on her computer tower after that…he was so thrilled to see it every time he came in after that. Barbara made my son smile so many times when he could barely talk to others. I am forever grateful for Barbara’s patience, endearing and fun personality and bright beautiful smile.Name of the Hospital Where Your Nominee Works
Barbara, thank you for being a friend to Ayden and to me. When we just wanted to cry, when he hated himself and what he looked like, what he was going through, what he couldn’t do, you made him laugh, you made him smile and you made me so happy to hear his laugh. Ayden always shared a sly smile just for you and he holds you close to his heart. Thank you!”- Ayden and Family
You can visit courageous fighter Ayden at Ayden’s Place
Do you have a special doctor, nurse or child life specialist who you would like to nominate? You can do so at Nominate My NEGU nurse!