TeamNEGU Blog

Courageous Kid Cade interviews Matt Koerner

July 31, 2020

This week on Chat’n with Cade, Courageous Kid Cade and Jessie’s Daddy, Erik Rees, interviewed Matt Koerner, NEGU All-Star, and Country Artist. Matt was initially connected with the Jessie Rees Foundation through Team NEGU’s very own Bobbi Scott, who invited Matt to play some music for Courageous Kids in the hospital. There was something special about what Jessie stood for that made Matt want to get involved with the foundation.

To hear more about Matt’s journey against cancer, how Jessie’s wish inspires him, and so much more tune in below!

If you haven’t had the chance to tune in to see the rest of our Chat’n with Cade episodes, head on over to our YouTube channel to watch it now!