
My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea, it’s daddy! Well I made it a few weeks without writing to you but woke up today and felt the need. I’m actually writing from my hotel room in Atlanta. We have been invited to attend some Super Bowl gatherings to connect with athletes, agents and fun brands. We won’t get to stay for the game but that’s ok. There are so many people here!

My job is to be “Jessie’s Daddy”….yeah!!! That means I tell my story as many times as I can so more and more people learn about you, your JoyJars, your NEGU motto and most importantly…childhood cancer! These amazing people have so many connections that could truly elevate childhood cancer awareness and we need their help so we can help more kids, sibs and parents NEGU. Please say a little prayer for us.

Jess, guess what? JT got his drivers permit and now can drive with us=). We are so proud of him! It also hit me like a ton of bricks because you never got to take a driver’s test…one of those things I always wanted to do for my kids…teach them to drive. Cancer just flat out sucks!!!

Shaya is with me and we all miss you so much. I hate the hole Shaya and JT have in their hearts for you. No sibling should ever have to deal with this pain and “grow up” so fast. Thankfully, Shaya and JT have such strong faith and know they will see you again. As their daddy, it’s just hard to watch the pain! We will always have three kids….one just moved to Heaven way to early. I love this picture of the three of you!

I truly wish we could Facetime you and see your room…I bet it is so amazing! I often think…did you get to pick out the colors and theme??? If you did, I bet it is happy and bright…just like YOU!

Time to leave for our first gathering Jess. I will share your story loud and proud over the next three days. I truly hope your story penetrates hearts and more athletes decide to help us encourage Courageous Kids to NEGU!!!

Miss you so much….love you tons more….see you in a wink! I Promise!
