
13-year-old Hayden has always been an amazing kid! He works hard at everything he does from school to sports. In December, Hayden was having some side pain and high blood pressure which ended up with his family at their closest Children’s hospital where they were told on December 15th that their son had a rare cancer – Adrenalcortico Carcinoma and that it was stage IV.
His mom says, “They were telling us he only has a 15% five-year survival rate and that he would have to undergo surgery as soon as possible. Right from the beginning Hayden said those are just numbers and everyday people prove statistics wrong. He said he would just have to be one of those people. He sets goals for himself and tries so hard to be strong. He began chemo Jan 3rd and has now completed 4 rounds. It has been rough on him but he keeps fighting.” To Hayden and his family, NEGU means, “Our family has always believed that we can Never Ever Give Up. My daughter who is 7 has Spina Bifida and she was the first one who taught us that anything is possible and now with Hayden’s diagnosis it just hits home even more so.”


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