Alydia was diagnosed with Iga Deficiency and EoE in November of 2016, her family got the diagnosis mid-move (my dad is Active Army). On April 26, 2018 Alydia was Diangosed with ALL type B Standard. Alydia has always been a fighter and although this is all still new to her, Alydia has been handling everything with a smile on her face and a song in her heart. She is so brave and that helps her parents be brave for her too.
Her mom says, “We are just starting our journey with the Jessie Rees Foundation, but today the Jessie Rees Foundation gave me hope. Hope that my other children won’t go through this alone, that they won’t feel left out, that my Husband and I will have a support system and Hope that even though the circumstances aren’t the best, we’re not alone and we will get through this… NEGU to us means no matter what it takes, you keep going. you believe that things are going to get better, you keep praying, you keep hope, and you do whatever it takes to beat this.”
NEGU for Courageous Kids!
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