My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea, it’s daddy! I love you so much!!! I can’t believe 7 years ago tomorrow you wrote your first post on Facebook. You had just a few fans at that time and then it just exploded. So crazy to think about the impact you made and continue to make everyday in peoples lives. I know you never wanted it to be about you but “YOU” have forever changed the my life, my heart, my soul and my faith. I’m so proud of YOU. I bet there have been over one million comments on your fan page since our first post. WOW. Maybe someday you will have one million fans…that would be so great!
I got a letter from one fan of yours the other day. It was more like a novel…19 pages in total. It came from an inmate that was sentenced to 25 years. They found your book through a book catalog and YOU changed their life. You restored their faith and they have embraced NEGU live never before. WOW! All because you asked mommy and I, “How can we help them?”. That one sentence has changed so many lives!!!
Saturday night is our 7th annual NEGU Gala=). You helped plan the first one but Heaven called you home before we held it=(. Thankfully we pressed on and over 300 people came to support YOU. Now over 700 people will be joining us at the Disneyland Hotel grand ballroom and many more watching on Facebook Live. It’s going to be a super special evening and the team is working so hard to make it great. So many volunteers have stepped up to help the past three months. You inspire all of them too! I hope you will watch from Heaven with your friends…some of which were at the gala last year and now are with you! Cancer sucks so bad!!!
We also got a great puppy for the live auction. He is a mini Mr. Moe. I love this picture of you and Moe. You two were inseparable and I know this new little guy will go to a great family and spread lots of love=).
You have also inspired some families that have offer up a $100K match for Saturday…WOW! That is so amazing. This means whatever money is donated at the gala or online during Saturday will get matched up to $100K. We could raise $200K in one day for kids fighting cancer. That would be a great thing!!!
Jess, thanks or inspiring me and changing my life. I’m forever honored and humbled to be your daddy. Sure I wish you were still here and non of this ever happened but the deck of cards I have to play has a card with “Childhood cancer” on it. I’m not going to fold my deck…I’m going to play it to the best of my abilities in honor of YOU!
See you in a wink, Sweet Pea! I promise you!!!