
Courageous Kid Paul will be turning six in October. He had plans to start kindergarten last week until he was diagnosed with Leukemia on 7/25/2017 and has been hospitalized since then.  

Paul is a 100% boy and very silly!  He doesn’t complain about any of the “pokes”, medicine, or the hospital.  He’s even named his IV stand “Steve”.

In addition to his cancer, Paul has a rare metabolic, genetic disorder called PKU.   He is unable to breakdown one of the amino acids in protein. Since he can only eat so much natural protein a day he is required to be on a very strict, restrictive diet. His mom Jodi says, “we have to order lots of modified food to keep him healthy and growing.  Right now with the induction phase and the steroids he is on – this has been tricky. The kid wants to eat ALL the time.” Paul loves to play video games, and loves his stuffed animals. He is a fan of Batman, baseball, soccer, the color blue too!


NEGU for Paul

To follow Paul and encourage him to NEGU