TeamNEGU Blog

My Jessie Journal:: Hi Sweet Pea…it’s daddy. I can’t believe it’s been 1,939 days since I last held you, kissed you and heard you say “lub you”. The dogs haven’t been sleeping well so I have had to sleep on the couch with them downstairs. I lay in the same spot you last laid in. As I lay down and try to go to sleep I often look at your urn. I know that isn’t you…just a symbol of you. We have so many symbols of you in our home…not to mention the thousands in our heads and hearts.

One symbol we get to see each day at the JoyFactory are your JoyJars. They always remind me of YOU!!! I love this picture of you and Eva Longoria in our garage stuffing JoyJars. It was so nice of her to visit you and learn how you make JoyJars.

I love watching volunteers stuff them with great care and love each week in the JoyFactory. I also love seeing pictures of kids with their JoyJars on Facebook when parents post them. The cool thing is more and more corporations are hosting our Mobile JoyFactory so their employees can stuff JoyJars and write Care Cards for Courageous Kids. Last Saturday, the UCLA Football team stuffed JoyJars after their practice which was super fun. Maybe more college sports teams will start helping us spread joy. That would be cool.

Jess, do you remember that new program I told you about called iNEGU? It’s happening and will launch on September 1st. It’s an invite-only smart phone app that for Courageous Families. Each day they receive boosts of video encouragement from us to help them NEGU. We will also have special guests (Pro athletes & Celebrities) each week joining us and encouraging kids, sibs and parents to NEGU too. The other cool part of iNEGU is the kids, sibs and parents can send thank you videos back to each guest. It’s going to be so fun to see these videos. I also get to offer videos of hope and prayer for those that want it. I get requests daily for this type of support and thought it would help parents more if I could send them a video vs type an email. The other type of videos will showcase other charities that support families impacted by childhood cancer so they can know the latest resources to help them are for their Courageous Kid and Super Sibs.

We are doing all of this to honor your wish to help every kid fighting cancer to Never Ever Give Up!

I just wish I could send you videos too=(((.

I miss you! I love you! I want you back so bad!!! Please visit me in my dreams…please!!!!
