The seventh graders at Temple Israel school in Boston, Massachusetts have been putting money into a can for their Tzedakah. Every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday the students have been placing Tzedekah money into a can with the incredible intentions of donating it. Tzedakah is a mitzvah, or a good deed. The students of grades 7A and 7B have decided that the mission of the Jessie Rees Foundation deserve their support. They sent us 325$ to bring JOY to courageous kids!!!
We are so thankful to these incredible seventh graders for their generous donation!
If you want to get involved with the Jessie Rees foundation, we encourage you to join our Joy Squad! For only 20$ a month for a year, you too can bring a smile and a JoyJar to 1 child each month for a year. Thats 12 smiles!!!
For more information on the Joy Squad, or how you can get involved with the Jessie Rees Foundation, click here!