TeamNEGU Blog

On April 8th, 2015 the Rees Family stuffed the 100,000 JoyJar in honor of Jessie’s 16th birthday.

In the last 4 years Jessie, the Rees Family, NEGU-All stars, and countless volunteers have contributed to this significant milestone. The 100,000th JoyJar now has a permanent place in the Joy Factory, so make sure to ask about it next time you’re visiting the Jessie Rees Foundation office!

Thank you for all of your amazing support. We still have so much work to be done… there are 500,000 kids fighting cancer today and we can’t stop – we WON’T stop until we reach every single one. And together, we WILL do it!” – Erik, Stacey, Shaya, & JT



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