The Jessie Rees Foundation was, and always will be, inspired by one courageous and compassionate 12 year old little girl. Her name, Jessica Joy Rees, better known as “Jessie.” Jessie was a faith-filled, beautiful, athletic, caring and loving girl who courageously fought cancer (DIPG) from March 3, 2011 to January 5, 2012. She loved her family very much and her puppy Mr. Moe. Jessie created JoyJars® and was the first one to coin the term “NEGU®”, which was her motto and message to everyone to Never Ever Give Up. Jessie’s Wish is the mission of her foundation.

The Jessie Rees Foundation was, and always will be, inspired by one courageous and compassionate 12 year old little girl. Her name, Jessica Joy Rees, better known as “Jessie”. Jessie was a faith-filled, beautiful, athletic, caring and loving girl who courageously fought cancer (DIPG) from March 3, 2011 to January 5, 2012. She loved her family very much and her puppy Mr. Moe. She created JoyJars® and was the first one to coin the term “NEGU®”, which was her motto and message to everyone. Jessie had one “wish”, which is the mission of her foundation.

Jessie’s compassion for others led her to ask her parents a short and simple question, “How can we help them?” Jessie was referring to the other children who were in long term, in-patient treatment at Children’s Hospital of Orange County, where Jessie also received treatment. After receiving the “go ahead” from the hospital and her parents, Jessie created JoyJars®…64 oz plastic jars stuffed to the very top with new, age appropriate, toys and games. Jessie stuffed over 3,000 with family and friends before she lost her fight. To date, over 500,000 of Jessie’s JoyJars have been stuffed and sent to kids fighting cancer in more than 53 countries!
Thank you for donating!

Jessie not only loved spreading JOY to the other kids fighting cancer, she loved to use her NEGU motto to encourage them to Never Ever Give Up! Today, NEGU inspires thousands of people every day to be courageous, to be brave and to persevere no matter the odds.
Jessie loved spending time with her parents (Erik & Stacey) and siblings (Shaya and JT) growing up.
Her family misses her every day and has committed all they can to ensuring her wish…
“Please help every kid fighting cancer is encouraged to Never Ever Give Up”
…is fulfilled!
After Jessie lost her courageous fight to cancer, her father Erik was asked to write a book about her journey and her JoyJars. The book has inspired over 30,000 readers and will inspire you too. Get your copy today! *Now available on Audible.
On January 12, 2012, Jessie’s father facilitated her Celebration of Life Service at Saddleback Church where over 5,000 people attended to honor her life, her love and her laugh!
On December 20, 2012, CNN showcased Jessie’s courageous story at their annual Hero Awards show in Los Angeles. During the show, Jessie was recognized for her compassion and awarded the prestigious Young Wonder Award.