Thank you for sharing joy
with Becky and Jade

It’s a diagnosis no parent wants to hear and no child deserves.

So when Becky heard her daughter Jade’s diagnosis, she knew she was facing the fight of her life.

But thanks to a JoyJar given by friends like you, she knew Jade wasn’t alone – and discovered the strength to Never Ever Give Up. Becky says,

“We were in the hospital, and Jade was having difficulties understanding why she had to have something put into her skin to help her take her medication. So, one of her nurses said, ‘Well, I’ll be right back, but if I bring you something you have to promise you’ll talk to me some more.’ She came back with a box, opened it up, and there’s this big JoyJar in it!

“That JoyJar had a Slinky, a couple of balls, crayons, and a black beanie. And Jade put on the beanie, and she was ready to talk. As a parent, you watch all the physical changes, but then she gets this jar, and now she wants pictures because her hat’s on, and her wig’s on, and she’s saying, ‘Oh, look! I have my blanket. I can wear it as a cape.’ And for a few minutes she forgets she’s sick, and she’s just happy.”

It’s only with your help that thousands of children like Jade can receive a JoyJar and the encouragement to NEGU – Never Ever Give Up. So thank you for any gift you give today to help share joy with more children like her!
